Friday, February 28, 2014
Surprise Date
They had just gone swimming at the Y so we were driving home in the storm. I decided to surprise them so their minds wouldn't be focused on the weather. (Tornadoes were expected that day.)
I pulled into the Harris Teeter shopping center where they thought I was going coupon shopping. Instead I said, "RUN!" so they followed me into San Carlo. This was a SPECIAL treat. I was taking them to my favorite Italian restaurant for lunch. They were so excited, not one word was mentioned about the storm.
I love that in the middle of a storm, on a Friday, after swimming...we were able to go out to a 'fancy' lunch together. I'm thankful for homeschooling in moments like this.
Braden got to fill up on all the mussels and clams he wanted:). (and meatballs, lasagna, mushrooms, sausage and peppers, etc.:)
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Gourmet Burger Night!
Gourmet burger night has become a favorite over here at the Barbour house:). The kids did an AWESOME job on their school work (finishing hours before normal), they got along nicely, and they had the whole afternoon to play.
Brian and I wanted to let them know how proud we were of them and decided to do gourmet burger night (instead of the planned pasta:). They were THRILLED! I would love for everyday to go this well.
93/7 organic beef
Topping choices:
caramelized onions
bbq sauce
Last time Brian made onion rings as a topping and once we had ham as a choice.
**They also love baked potato bar night and salad bar night.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Les Mis
This was such a creative gift...he nailed it!
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Happy Birthday, Brian!
The day started off with SWEET cards made by all the kiddos AND an omelet made by Braden and Cailey. They made him a bacon and cheese omelet (and even cooked bacon for the first time..without help!)
We called and texted him all day to sing Happy birthday:)
Then Brian and I went out to dinner to celebrate HIM turning 39!! I asked him if he wanted to go bowling or do anything else but he said he just wanted to hang out together as a family. Works for me!
you do for our family!
Monday, February 24, 2014
learning from the village
"Cross your heart
Hope to Fly
Stick a Cupcake in your eye"
Ephram was saying this, complete with hand motions and I thought it was much nicer than the version they said when I was a kid! When I asked him where he learned it, he looked at Kinsey. She learned it from a neighborhood friend. It's amazing to see what things they pick up and learn from each other...and at times scary.
Cailey learned from a neighborhood friend this weekend that a 7th grader at her school was pregnant. I can't believe we are at the age of having to explain how/why these things happen...but am thankful she comes to me and still shares her thoughts. I'm thankful that we can talk about it openly and talk about how the choices we make always have consequences...whether good or bad.
Other people will always influence our kiddos...and they will 'learn' sayings, etc. from them. Homeschooling doesn't mean sheltering. They learn from church friends, neighborhood friends, co op friends, etc.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Ephram asked for "my very own tape" for Christmas. He got some scotch tape in his stocking and used it up halfway into January. He made his 'inventions', paper airplanes, and creations all over the homeschool room. He LOVES tape.
One of their Valentine's gifts was washi tape. He got some with dogs all over it and I told him we could do fun crafts with he should save it for special times.
Ephram decided to use it to tape things on the walls, his bunkbed, and his creations. He pretty much lived on the landing for two days with his washi tape. He brought down blankets, his dogs, and
made him take it down:)
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Eli and Braden
Friday, February 21, 2014
Daddy Daughter Dance
Brian headed back with Cailey where she had a date with just daddy. Out of all the daddy/daughter dances they've been to, this one was the most fun/organized. They taught the kids and dads all kinds of new dances!
Cailey and Daddy had a GREAT time together...and thankfully Kinsey felt MUCH better the next morning.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
yard work.
Ephram said he was going out to do some yard work. I wasn't sure what he meant but when he came back in to get scissors I couldn't wait to see what my little inventor was gonna do.
Low and behold he was cutting the grass. For Daddy. With scissors.
This kept him busy for a good hour before he decided he had done enough to help daddy. Love this funny boy:)
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Everything is Awesome!
Afterwards we met Brian at Chili's for dinner where these kiddos used their own money to order dinner. They talked and laughed about the movie pretty much the whole time.
This was really fun to do with Braden and his buddies!
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
My 37th Birthday

We went roller skating after the movie!! I love roller skating (I'm not very good at it but I have fun:) and haven't been in years ...but that's what I chose to do and the kids couldn't wait. It was Ephram's first time skating and he went around several times. He liked holding my hand and having me pull him...or having me hold him but that gets dangerous fast!
I'm thankful Brian was there because even though he won't skate...ever...he was able to take some pics:). Usually I'm not in pictures when I do fun things with the kids but with Brian there I have it documented that indeed, mommy did roller skate!
The day ended just as yummy as it started. With a piece of pistachio pound cake. I love my family and had such a FUN birthday. Having it on the weekend was great because usually we just do school and have activities to go to. Maybe we'll make this a tradition:). Mama loves traditions!
Monday, February 17, 2014
Day 2 Snow Fun
I baked a lot this day but not without spending plenty of time enjoying the snow with my kiddos. Then when they came in they had something warm and yummy to fill their cold bellies.
Gracie came over in the afternoon so the three oldest kiddos headed to the big hill with her. Apparently there was a lot of slush at the bottom so they came home an hour later wet but full of funny stories:). Gracie and Cailey came in for a warm snack and hung out for a few more hours before dinner.
Ephram BEGGED Braden and Kinsey to go back out with him so they grabbed a dry outfit and went outside with him. The three of them lasted 15 Thankful for fun days like this and that we still managed to get school done.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Second Snow!
Sure enough after 20 minutes inside out came my buddy with NO coat on! I told him he was going to freeze and he said, "But mommy, at least I have a hat and one glove on!" He sure keeps us laughing!
I love this picture because it reminds us all of the Chronicles of Narnia. It was taken in Susan and John's backyard after all the sledding fun.