Sunday, November 18, 2007

Hair Chip

Now that Cailey's hair is long she is constantly getting food, etc. in it. I keep it pulled back most of the time but in the morning she goes right down to eat and is with Brian while I'm upstairs getting ready. I asked Brian to be sure and pull it back when she eats so it won't get sticky and be so hard to comb out (hence ripping, hence crying) and this is what I found the other day. Huh....well, I guess he DID pull it back....but notice the chip clip in her hair. Yes, I did say chip clip. Brian didn't want to go up and get an elastic so I guess it was very resourceful of him! I did however decide that it was NOT a good idea to do again:)>

1 comment:

The Hilemans said...

that is so funny! I'm quite sure Addie would never let Geof put a chip clip in her hair... :)