Friday, January 4, 2008

Young and Old Together

I remember when I was younger we went to a nursing home with the girl scouts. We had an 'adopted' grandparent that we would go back and visit every time. Mine was a sweet lady..whose name I don't remember but I do remember enjoying the time I spent there. Several people from our Sunday school class have been going to a local nursing home the first Friday of every month for a while but we weren't able to go until today. We went and the kids made a craft and talked to the elderly. Braden latched on to a man named Jack and talked and high fived him a lot! After the craft we went into another room for the kids to run around and play...with balloons:). I really enjoyed the time and the kids did too! Hopefully we'll be able to do it again next month.

1 comment:

anthonyandbeth said...

i'm sad we missed it this time! it really is so wonderful!