Monday, March 10, 2008

Date Night (kinda)

Saturday night we hosted date night for our Sunday school class at our house. Usually it means that three couples watch the kids while everyone elso goes out on a date. This time only two couples ended up going out and the rest stayed and hung out! The guys took the kids outside for a while even though it was cold and windy...the kids didn't even seem to notice! Us girls watched the babies downstairs while the men took care of the rest of the kids upstairs....when they weren't playing basketball, that is! No, seriously though the women, men and children had a great time...and our house is still in one piece. (And I haven't even re cleaned/organized everything yet, I'm too tired from the time change:)!

'watching the kids' aka playing basketball

In this pic the kids are RUNNING in the street and playing with
a neighbors' toy without permission! They were being closely
supervised...can't you tell??:) (No...really they did a great job!)

baby watching

The kiddos ate pizza and cookie bars for dessert:) We spread
them out between the dining room, kitchen table and island.

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