such concentration!

i LOVE crafts that they do on their own!

heart butterfly

most of the goodies had red dye but she WAS
able to eat a PB cookie:)

passing out Valentine's

Cailey drew a picture of Jesus dying on the
cross for her Valentine's bag! I asked her why and
she said it was because He
loves us the most!

game time

they were working on an animal badge
so this was the prize from the game

Kinsey got candy at co-op preschool
in the morning and was really excited!

Braden had his first Fun Dip at lunch (he got
it from co-op)...he was BEAMING! Cailey was
'teaching' him how to eat it:)

my three sugar bugs
Looks like everyone had such a good time at the Girl Scout Valentine Party! Was it you that left Lindsey's bag of Valentine's on our van window? If so, thanks so much! I think if she could have been at both parties - she surely would have tried.
I think that Cailey is the smartest girl I know! That was so clever for her to put Jesus on the cross as the one who loves us the most.
The Brownies looked like they were having such a fun party, great pics! You ladies really pulled together and are such a blessing to the girls. Thanks for all you do!
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