this is RIGHT AFTER it was brushed...a min later it was like a broom on the ends!

this is what happens when you spend the WHOLE summer
in the pool....dry, brittle, damaged hair:( We tried to 'save' it by
using mayo, olive oil, and egg yolk a few times (yes, it is as gross as
it sounds) but it was too late.
this is what happens when you spend the WHOLE summer
in the pool....dry, brittle, damaged hair:( We tried to 'save' it by
using mayo, olive oil, and egg yolk a few times (yes, it is as gross as
it sounds) but it was too late.
Cailey did NOT want to get her hair cut but we just had to. I REALLY wanted to wait until after our beach trip but it was just too messed up. It was so damaged and they weren't even able to cut it all off. I remember having the same issues as a's that blonde hair! She's feeling better about it now but still wants to grow it out again. We've learned all sorts of ways to prevent it from happening again so hopefully we won't have this problem next year.
On a funny note, yesterday at dinner Cailey got up to refill her cup and Kinsey (who recently had her stringy locks cut) said, (in her most SERIOUS voice) "Mommy, Cailey STILL have her hair cut!! I can not beyieve it!" It was hilarious....I'm not sure, but for some reason I guess she thought the haircut was temporary.
another "save the hair" tip - a crazy one, but it actually DOES help a bit. Next summer go back into your pantry and bring out plain Knox gelatin. Prepare as directed and comb that into her hair (maybe just the lower half of her hair as it can get hard to get off the scalp - mostly comes out but you may find a few crunchy pieces for a few days...). Then shampoo it out after a little while. You can pull it back into a ponytail for the treatment and then twist it into a bun or something for a little while to let the jello set. The longer it stays on, the better. Then wash wash wash it out. So weird, but a really great treatment. We wore jello in our hair for synchronized swimming competitions, and my hair was always so nice the days after competitions. Call me and I'll come jello her head next summer. :)
Also, whenever EB is outside now on a windy day, she yells "oh no" and grabs her hair and says "my haircut blowed away!"
I think the "new-do" is darling! She looks SO cute in it. I think the long hair is a little girl thing... Riley got hers cut in early July & it is SO cute, but yesterday she said that she wants to grow it out...
Tell Cailey I think she looks BEAUTIFUL with her new haircut!
she looks adorable! :) and Kinsey is a riot! i love that girl! well, both girls, but you know what i mean. :)
very cute!
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