Friday, November 13, 2009

Cookin' Kiddos

My kids LOVE to cook. I'm guessing they feel this way because I love to cook! This week Cailey asked if she could 'cook' nachos for everyone's lunch and wanted to do it all by herself. She did a great job choosing the ingredients and putting everything together!

spreading out chopped tomatoes

cutting up the peppers...not the easiest thing
to learn how to cut but she did a great job!

They all LOVED their nacho lunch! Cailey informed us
all that it had whole grain, fruit, vegetables, and dairy:)

Braden wanted to make muffins another day this week and did almost all of it himself too! He needed some help with cracking the eggs (after trying for a long time) and getting the muffin scooper to work with his little hands:). He was even able to safely put them into and take them out of the oven.

he read the instructions and got everything he needed

enjoying his yummy banana nut muffins

1 comment:

Janet said...

Awesome! Won't this come in handy when the baby comes!