chocolate chip pancakes, sausage balls, cinnamon toast, and bacon
for breakfast this year!

Cailey and Abby waiting to open presents

kinsey loved it all but her favorites were the movie
Tinkerbell....and her new pink Spud Bag

Poppy made Cailey a jewelry box that she was excited for...
she also got a new bike! Her favorite was the American Girl
DVD's to go with the books she's been reading lately.

Braden LOVED his yellow suitcase, scooter...well...he loved
it all!

opening the DVD's

Braden got me a 'weather' clock b/c I always wake up asking
about the weather:)

Cailey got me running gloves and ear covers
Kinsey got me a 'singing' Christmas tree...these guys SPOILED

oh...the girls got umbrellas (braden already
got his)

cailey made Brian a LONG book!

i thought poppy and braden would get a
kick out of these...and so far all the kids
love braden's!

kinsey got daddy super glue:)

Braden got Daddy work gloves

the kids put their gifts for each other under
the kid tree...they were all thrilled by the gifts
that their siblings picked out!

their stockings were stuffed with gift cards this
year (along with a couple other things). they LOVE
having money, so now they can go to the $ store, Mc D's,
and Chick Fil A with their own money...oh...they EACH got
their own CFA calendar too, which they are thrilled about!

Braden's big gift was a scooter

Kinsey's big gift was her Spud Bag
Cailey's big gift was her bike (which she's known about since
Thanksgiving)...it's still a little big for her but I'll get a picture of her
on it eventually:)

I got Brian a makeover in the garage by GarageTek for
Christmas but wanted him to have something to open also.
He's been wanting a train for years so I surprised him with
one this year and he LOVES it!

Cailey feeding Abby Christmas dinner so the grown ups
could eat together

Aunt Stefi and Uncle Dave sent footie jammies for all FOUR
of the kiddos and they were thrilled! Cailey LOVES footie
jammies and Braden desperately needed some new ones
so it was perfect! Thanks guys:)!!

Mom got us Sorry Sliders for Christmas...pretty fun! We also
played Bananagrams, Phase 10, and Scrabble Slam.

Ummm....yeah....Polly apparently thought it was ok to sit
on the dining room table while Poppy read the paper.

Love this...wearing his new jammies while
playing with his new toys.
We had a great Christmas! We woke up, ate, and took our time while opening up presents. It's so neat to see the expressions on the kids faces- love it! They got way more than they asked for and were so thankful. They loved playing with cousins and having family here. Brian surprised me with a droid which I am still not sure how to answer but I'm told that in time I'll wonder how I ever got by without it.
The biggest blessing this season is knowing that soon our family will be complete and next year we'll have an 18 month old to add in the fun!