Thursday, March 4, 2010

busy bees...spring schedule

Our spring schedule is just as full as the fall and I wanted to keep a record of it. I just checked our March calendar and there is literally not one day that's completely free. Since becoming a homeschooling mom (and being on the go a lot) I actually LOVE staying home. I love days where we don't even have to get out of our jammies and can just stay in the house all day long. Never thought I'd be that way, but now that we go so much I treasure our home time.

Monday- (3:30-4:00) swimming for all three *then we usually go to the Y or the library

Tuesday- (11:30-12) piano for cailey
(2:30-4:30) art and gym class for cailey and braden

Wednesday- (11:30-12) spanish for cailey and braden, playdate for kinsey and ephram
(6:30-8) awana for cailey, braden, and kinsey

Thursday- FREE!!! (but full of playdates in March:)

Friday- (9-12) co op for everyone
(5:30-6:30) soccer practice for cailey

Saturday- (am) soccer games for cailey
(6-8pm) classes with our friends every other week

Sunday- (5-7:30) bible study and choir for cailey, braden, and kinsey

I can't believe how quickly this year is just flying by but feel so blessed that God has allowed me to stay home with the kids and teach them every day. Blessed to be called mommy.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Since I NEVER see you anymore.. maybe our times at the soccer field will overlap! Whew, just wears me out looking at your schedule! Of course, my days of all that are past, & I love being at home. But they are sweet times when you're in the midst of them.