this is how Ephram spends his bath time...
SCREAMING the whole time!! bless his heart!
Cailey used to scream but stopped at 4 months old.
Braden and Kinsey LOVED bath time.

then one day last week he stopped. YAY!! we were all SO excited and
kept watching to see it he'd stay happy, and...

he did!
(notice the tongue rolling...he does this ALL the time)

here's our happy bath time baby who, as
the kiddos like to say,
turned his frown upside down
Ephram is adorable!!! How old is he now? Looks like he is adjusting very well to the Barbour family!
addison recently started fussing in the bath. she's over it now. i'm glad too. also glad he is enjoying bath time now. :)
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