fingers and toes polished: CHECK!

light pink on the fingers and red on the toes
awesome quote from kiddos: "WOW! This red makes
me look like a woman!"

i bought ephram's bathing suit years ago when i got the other
kids in hopes that one day our baby boy would be able to
match:) yep...i know i'm crazy about matching.

while i was reapplying sunscreen i turned around
for a SECOND and turned back to find my littlest
like this. cailey and i sure had a giggle when we saw how
proud he looked after he found the ONE ritz cracker
among all the chips!

we came home and the girls watched a movie and baked cookies.

then colored and played LOTS of games. it was fun to be able to teach rebecca new games!

enjoying the warm cookies
Rebecca came for Aunt Camp at the beginning of June and we had a great time while she was here! On the first day (which was short because she came in the afternoon) the girls made a list of everything they wanted to do during the week. We were able to get everything checked off except for going to the park because it was simply too HOT. They had a blast and Cailey is looking forward to going to her week of Aunt Camp in August.
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