Your Birth Story:
I'm sitting here at 10:40pm on August 21 remembering that right now we were on the way to the hospital. Earlier in the day (2:00 pm) my contractions started so we made a dr.'s appointment since I was already two days past your August 19th due date. They were very inconsistent but took my breath away...I thought for sure it was going to be today. The doctor checked me and said it would be another week. Huh. Ok, but I wasn't sure how I was going to get through this for another week. I was a rule follower. And watched a lot of A Baby Story back then and did NOT want to be one of the people who has to go back home after thinking it's time.
So I was going to wait another week.
And have another Chocolate Frappe with Stef and Dave. And go on another walk up the seminary hills with Daddy...
but this time I had to stop several times while we were walking because of the contractions. I remember talking to Adele on the phone and Daddy having to take the phone from me because I couldn't talk. That was around 2:00...but they were still inconsistent then.
At 9:00 pm (after taking a super hot bath) I heard Daddy talking to granny on the phone and had the strongest contraction ever. It was WAY worse than the ones I'd been having off and on all day. Took my breath away. I immediately went to my exercise ball and sat on it. They came every 5 minutes or less. I could not imagine how I was going to do this for another week. But I did NOT want to be sent back home and the dr. said it would another week.
I was the first one of my friends to have a baby and didn't know what to expect.
I got through an hour (just like I saw on the Baby Story). They came consistently every 3-5 minutes. I had a focus point that got me through. It was silly...but it got me through. I was focused on the Pack N Play which was set up in the corner of the room. While bouncing on the ball I repeated P-A-C-K P-L-A-Y...over and over during each contraction. Somehow it helped me get through them.
It was 10:30 and Daddy said we should call the doctor since I wasn't going to get sleep anyway. I was hesitant but it made sense because there was NO way I would be able to sleep through these. He called. It was the same dr. I saw earlier in the day (and the only dr. I did NOT like...who told me I would never be able to get pregnant). He was annoyed and wanted to talk to me...because he had seen me earlier in the day and knew it was going to be another week. I tried to talk to him but then couldn't because of a strong contraction. When he heard my voice he said I could go ahead to the hospital but would probably be sent home. Sigh. Those were the very words I didn't want to hear.
We arrived at the hospital where the nurses couldn't find my cervix to see how far I was dilated. Good times. Except not. Finally the head nurse came in and found it...ridiculous to remember back on. I was 5 cm. Yup. Take that Mr. Dr. I am SO thankful for two things. First of all for it being night time because if it had been during the day I KNOW I would have had you at home. I wouldn't have been worried about sleep and would have waited...because of what the dr. said. I'm also thankful for Daddy who knew that it was time to call the dr. no matter what he had said earlier in the day.
Daddy also called Aunt Stefi and Uncle Dave because they were going to come to the hospital to meet you. Aunt Stefi was SO excited and constantly talked to you in my belly. Uncle Dave often gave you great advice too. They were asleep. But finally they called back and came up to Beverly.
The nurses blew my vein which the IV needed to go into so I could get an epidural. This after not being able to find my cervix. Then they blew another one. Sigh. Then the head of the IV team came...and she didn't do much better. I wanted that fluid so I could get my epidural because at this point I was 6 cm. They finally got my IV in and at 7 cm said I could have an epidural. YAY!
No lies...the first pinch felt like a pinch. The shot wasn't a big deal. But the pressure I was told I would feel from the IV was NOT pressure. It was PAIN! Man I can still feel that epidural pain just thinking about it. But sweet goodness I was pretty much instantly relieved. I had the shakes big time...and felt weird, but the pain was gone. Uncle Dave and Daddy were sleeping. I was told to sleep but couldn't. I stayed awake the whole time and was TERRIFIED to push you out. I heard a woman SCREAMING down the hall...and was told she had an epidural. Sigh. The nurses came in and told me it was time whenever I felt the urge to push. I was still terrified. I felt nothing. You could have been born on August 21 had I ever felt anything. Finally at 6 am on August 22 I saw the nurse adjust my epidural...which I took to mean turn it off. I did NOT want to feel anything so I said it was time to push. I still never felt any 'urge' though.
A young nurse (21 and fresh out of college) was there with me. She was very sweet. Aunt Stefi stayed in the room and so did daddy, of course, Uncle Dave was in the waiting room. The nurse told me to push for a little before the dr. had to come in. Ok. I was so worried the epidural would stop working that I was ready to push!
First push...nurse looks horrified and brings in a ton of white towels then leaves with bloody ones and says (out loud), "uh oh". Ummm...."uh Oh?" are you for real? What does that mean? Uh Oh? Daddy and I were both worried. They called for the dr. immediately because you were ready now. You had been ready for a while, apparently, and wanted out. It took three pushes and my sweet peanut was born. You were tiny. 6 lbs and 3 oz Apparently there was lots of blood...and tearing...but all I could think about was you. (Of course the epidural was still helping too:)
That was a decade ago. We have celebrated that moment and been thankful for a thousands times over but even more so on those special days of which this one is the tenth. Our lives changed forever the day you came and while your siblings are special in their own ways you were the one we knew even before you were born. The one we saw enter this world and the first one of many. You will always and forever hold that place in our family and hearts.
Happy #10 Cailey Anne
Today Mommy managed to pull off yet another surprise for you. You had NO clue. I was thrilled:).
You wanted bagels on the beach for breakfast. Then we played on the beach all day until it was time to go to dinner and Broadway at the Beach (your request). We went to Johnny Rockets and met the Keel's there (your giant Surprise). You were so excited! They sang to you at the restaurant. You were slightly embarrassed. Next up you fed fish, went to the candy store, and watched a Magic Show with everyone. Last it was time for rides. You had a GREAT day and night! What a special birthday celebration you had this year!
Game- Pente
Sport- Soccer
Food- Shrimp and Linguini
Drink- Slushie
Song- Belle (from beauty and the beast)
Movie- Dolphin Tales
Thing to do outside- jumping on the trampoline
Color- Turquoise
Dessert- pistachio salad
Toy- Stuffed Animals
Thing to do- go on dates with mommy and daddy
Book- Little Women
Season- Spring
Place to go- Beach
Subject in School- Science
What do you want to be when you grow up?- nurse
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