Saturday, September 15, 2012


When we went to Duke today there wasn't much change in Braden's eye. The spot of infection is still on his cornea. We all got to see the infiltration glowing green under the black light after they put the dye in his eye.

It didn't get worse but this time around it's not going away as quickly as it did last time. ARG!

His lab results were back and though the cornea specialist wasn't much help in reading them, thanks to fb and a high school classmate (who is now a doctor) we now know that he does have a viral infection. Duh. We knew that. THANKFULLY there is nothing else going on...which really we didn't suspect because other than the sleepiness and his cornea he's fine. I thought taking the anti viral 4 times a day would help him but they just don't work the same as antibiotics do for bacteria.

We have a call in to the pediatrician as well and will hopefully be able to see her next week.

Braden spent the rest of his day...and night...with Caden. I'm sure he had a great time and will be zonked tomorrow! He brought his bag of meds and has been taking them/getting drops there. Thankful for good friends willing to cheer up my boy and spoil him for the day!!

I won't be posting an update tomorrow unless something crazy happens. Thank you SO much for praying!

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