Friday, April 25, 2014

Radiant, Life City, and Open Door Hunts

 We took the kids to a new hunt this year at Radiant Church. There were bounce houses, free food, and a magic show.

 oh! and face painting

 cailey got to participate in the magic show

 ready to hunt!

Easter egg hunts are so much fun for the kiddos but I can tell this was Cailey's last year in the church hunts. She was SO sweet and focused more on helping to make sure the little guys (who we didn't even know) got enough eggs. It's bittersweet that she's outgrowing these childhood activities but so rewarding to see what her giving and serving heart. I'm so proud to be your mama, Cailey Anne!

The next weekend we went to two more hunts on a RAINY Saturday. The first one was at Lake Lynn. It was a quick hunt since it was outside and the weather was cold (VERY different than last Saturday when we were burning up!)

 After the Life City hunt we headed to Open Door for lunch, bounce house, and another hunt.

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