Kinsey has a great surprise look after she goes under
the water! She does it EVERY time and it always makes
us laugh...I had to get a picture of it today:)

Check out the free swimming lessons! Thanks Austin
and Lindsey:)!!

Austin is such a BIG helper
with Kinsey in the pool...and
best of all she adores him!
Kinsey has made great strides in the pool and just keeps getting better and better! At the beginning of the summer I was nervous because she was so scared, but now she jumps in and pretty much swims by herself the whole time. (With floaties or a jacket of course:) Her favorite things to do in the pool are drink the water, jump in , play ring around the rosie, and kick around. She's turned into quite the little fishy. I am SO thankful for great friends who let us come to their awesome pool so much....and are so HELPFUL with all my non swimmers!
Hi this is Austin and I really enjoy playing with her. I hope we can get together again.
Kinsey's face is so cute! :) Miss you guys!
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