(Cailey was over 2 in this one....right when
Braden came home)

(This was Sat...Kinsey is 2 1/2)

We are getting rid of all the baby garb in the house. The nursery is GONE...the crib is GONE...the toys are GONE. (More to come on this later). When we were taking the toys out from the attic Kinsey started playing with EVERYTHING!!! Cailey did this when Braden came, and then again when Kinsey came. Braden was never really interested in them when he was older (when Kinsey came) ...but I think it's SO funny that my girls LOVED the baby toys when they were older, but did NOT like to play with them when they were babies!`Cailey would only play in the exersaucer if I SAT WITH HER and played with the toys too:)!
****Today is the one year mark for my blog:)!!****
Yeah for one year with your Blog!
It is so cute to see your girls play with the "baby" toys.... Can't wait to hear about the no more nursery!
Happy First Bloggiversary! I too can't wait to hear about why no more nursery. I guess we can't come visit anymore because Wesley won't have anywhere to sleep! Just kidding, I'll still come see you!
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