still loves yoga and has added concrete and grass to places
he's stopped for exercise.

i don't remember the others doing this (or at least not as much as him)
but it simply melts my heart.
when i hold him he wraps his little arm around my neck and
squeezes. i LOVE it.

this is what we do when all else fails and ephram
is BEYOND grumpy in the evening.
Physical: He's not walking...but has started cruising around. He also walks while we hold his hands but prefers crawling because he's SO much faster at that. The booger will NOT hold his cup yet but we're not forcing the issue:).

i was planning on doing a separate post on this but never got a chance.
my boy LOVES to climb! one night we were hanging out in the family
room and he knocked over his toy basket to climb on top of it.

he LOVED it!

i was planning on doing a separate post on this too but again, never got around
to it. ephram LOVES macy and always goes to see her in the morning.
one day brian found him like this. macy didn't know what to think about it
but ephram had a blast!

once they started licking each other it had
to come to an end:)

playing chase with braden

my sleepy angel

i was riding in the back of the van and ephram thought it
was just the funniest thing!
Food: I gotta say that this month has been strange with his eating. I've never had a baby who really had trouble (or much pain) with teething until ephram. He went several days (not in a row) of not really wanting to eat and just drooling like crazy. He's gotten three more teeth in and we think there's another one coming now. One day I was REALLY frustrated and worried because he wouldn't eat a THING and didn't want to drink either. Fortunately the next day he made up for it and ate like a champ! All my kids have been great eaters and were never picky as a baby...I thought ephram was starting to become our picky eater but it turns out that it was just the teething. He's had peanut butter, shellfish, and eggs...and hasn't been allergic to a thing! He went through a stage of not wanting very much milk (but made up for it in cheese and yogurt) but I think he's out of it now.

favorite food: bananas!

sitting at the table like a big boy!

happy boy!

he opens his mouth SO big when food is coming...just like a little
bird. ephram loves yogurt!

he always tries to share his food too:)

lovin' his jumpy

ephram likes to climb in

with his sweet cailey

SO happy after his nap!

and always standing up waiting!
Communication: Ephram is babbling (or bobbling as Cailey says) all the time. He says "mommy" whenever he sees me and calls me from his crib when he wakes up. He also says, "Daddy (instead of dada)." His favorite thing to say (other than mommy, of course) is "dog". He LOVES his stuffed dog and our real dog (Macy). He's truly gonna miss her when she goes to live with Nonny and Poppy. He can also say "nigh nigh"
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