braden wasn't tall enough to stand but really wanted pastor
horner to baptize him...so he swam to him. everyone got a kick
out of that:)

it was SO crowded that i couldn't get the front of him...i was
hoping they would turn but just glad i got pics!

it was thundering pretty much the entire time we
were there (except for about 5 min worth of baptizing)
so they switched things around and Braden gave his testimony
after he was baptized. he REALLY wanted to share and did
a great job!

Braden wanted to be baptized this summer at the lake and has talked about it ever since he asked Jesus in his heart (March 31, 2010). He went and talked to the pastor and everything worked out for him to get baptized at the lake. They moved the baptism to New Life Camp this year and the baptism was held in the pool. The weather was questionable almost the entire time but Braden WAS able to get baptized and even though the threat of rain was all around, it never stormed (just lots of thunder and lightning!) We had lots of friends there and had a great day celebrating Braden!
Braden wanted to share his testimony in front of everyone and did a great job. He shared his favorite verse too...John 3:16. We LOVE you, Braden!
i do hate we missed it! it would have been so fun to see so many friends baptized! we are proud of you Braden!
that is just precious!! I can just see him swimming out to Pastor Horner!! If you have video - I'd love to see it!!! Precious!!!
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