It's so hard for me to believe that Ephram is 14 months old already! The summer has flown by way too quickly and I feel the same way about how quickly he's growing up. Ephram is still such a sweet cuddly boy who loves to snuggle. He is quick to let people (especially kids) know when they are bothering him and can hold his own in the family. We are blessed beyond measure and are so thankful for our sweet Ephram.

my sweet boy just would not let us help him with his corn cob!

he always opens his mouth HUGE for a bite:)
eating: my boy doesn't always want to eat. we've have three BIG eaters (who often tend to overeat) so this is not something we're used to. i even give him cake, ice cream,crackers, i try anything but when he's teething he just won't do it. lately i've been pureeing veggies and mixing them with yogurt and he'll actually eat that. when he's eating normal (which was a few weeks ago) he's not too picky. at this point we're happy for him to eat anything.
communication: ephram is talking WAY earlier than any of my three other kiddos did. they were all super late talkers and walkers. he can say: hi, dog, cup, bottle, daddy, down, ow, uh oh, aww (when he hugs something or someone), cracker, night night, tickle (and does the motion), cup, num nums (for food), go, NO (his favorite) or NO NO, da da, mommy (his second favorite), he said "no no ma ma" as his first sentence:), he even blows bye bye kisses:) he can sign eat, more, cracker, all done, and please
sleeping: when we are home he still takes two naps. we haven't been home too much for his morning nap this summer because we are always at the pool but he sleeps in my arms when we're there:). he sleeps SUPER hard for his afternoon naps when he misses an am one so i've been able to catch some pictures of my sleeping angel.

physical: i thought he'd be the earliest walker in our house and REALLY hoped he'd be walking by our beach trip but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. he can stand briefly before lowering himself down and cruise but hasn't taken any steps yet. he is a SUPER fast crawler and can climb up and down the stairs. he likes to climb on chairs, tables, baskets, anything he can find!

ephram finally learned how to hold his cup this month! we still have to feed it to him 'like a goat' at times but he'll hold his cup for the most part. (he held it for the first time at braden's baptism)
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