we started the morning by going blueberry picking with nonny!
the 'hay' ride was exciting for them
the 'hay' ride was exciting for them

helping nonny

ephram decided to join us in the picking:)

it was a SUPER hot day but we had fun picking berries and hanging out together

nonny LOVED playing with and feeding ephram

My July 4th kiddos:)

We spent the day at home playing games together and went out in the evening to a nearby park
for fireworks and fun.
for fireworks and fun.

the girl were swinging while brian and braden went on a walk

then we all played together!

we went on walks, played cards, the kiddos caught lightning bugs, and played on equipment

learning to play war while cailey is off on a walk with poppy

catching lightning bugs
We had a great time visiting Nonny and Poppy's house and were excited to spend the 4th with them. We went blueberry picking in the morning and then spent the day hanging out at home baking pies and a yummy smores dessert, playing outside, and playing games. Nonny made a yummy dinner then sent us out to watch the fireworks while she stayed home with Ephram.
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