Sunday, September 4, 2011

while the husbands are away....

the wives will play:)!

Beth and I both had traveling husbands our first week of school and decided to get together for dinner and let the kids hang out. The first night was at her house and I didn't have my camera but we had GIGANTIC super yummy huge waffles with strawberries and whip cream. The kids and I loved them! The oldest ones spent their time playing outside while the little girls play upstairs in Addison's room.

Night two they came over to our house for spaghetti pie and pizza. Harrison suggested 'make your own pizza's' the night before for the kids and it was a hit! They had fun making them in shifts and Harrison helped Ephram with his pizza. Before/After dinner the little girls played babies while the other kiddos jumped on the trampoline, chased each other, played just dance, and played with animals up in the boys room.

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