Our sweet girl celebrated her SIXTH gotcha day today! I can't believe it's been six years since we picked her up from RDU, while she was wearing a HUGE grin and a do rag. This angel keeps us on our toes daily and brings joy wherever she goes. She continues to be easygoing (unless a sibling is involved:), full of joy, empathetic, helpful, and the kindest big sister ever to her baby brother...most of the time:). We are SO thankful God chose her to be in our family as she is unlike any other and beyond special!!
She decided the night before that she wanted pepperoni pancakes but daddy couldn't handle that and thought it sounded too yucky so she chose daddy's famous waffles instead.

Next up we had a photo shoot with her Korean hanbok...and later she had a snack of her two favorites...pepperoni and clementines!

She asked for BoJangle's for lunch and luckily the Kelly was able to meet us there to help us celebrate! (A day/place/time I'll not soon forget..right, Kel?). Kinsey had so much fun being there with Caroline! After lunch Kinsey and I played all of her favorite games together...as she loves them as much as I do!

Kinsey shares her gotcha day with Gracie, who happened to turn 10 that day, so I picked them up from school and we went to get slushies to celebrate! Then the kiddos played outside all afternoon!

Gracie picked IHOP for dinner and Kinsey was THRILLED to bring the "B" plate and get a huge happy face pancake! We came home and celebrated more...singing to her all day, of course:). She had a GREAT gotcha day and we loved watching the video of her coming home. I can't believe it's been six years....yet on the other hand it seems like it's been forever ago. We are truly blessed by you, sweet Kinsey girl!
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