ephram LOVES taking baths...and playing with toys in the tub. his favorites are his basketball hoop (with fishy balls he shoots in) and his orange shovel. i just treasure this time with my 'baby' who is growing up way too fast:).
his vocabulary continues to increase DAILY...he constantly blows our minds with the things he says. he rarely just cries out of frustration because he'll say, "help please," "i'm stuck," "help me," etc. he's started saying "yes mam" and "i'm sorry" after we talk or after he's 'pat' aka hit someone. he's had to go to time out a few times because of his hitting but stays there with his head down and lip poking out until his time is up. as soon as we go over to him and talk about it he'll say, "i sorry" and gives the biggest hugs. he understands EVERYTHING. we can send him off to do something and he'll follow 2 and 3 step directions.
tonight i got a book out to read him called Baby Faces (all about emotions). i've read it off and on for months but he doesn't really sit down in our laps to read much..he's more 'on the go' and playing while we read. i opened it up and he said, "Happy!"...which is the first page in the book. i sat there with my jaw open...could NOT believe it. it did make me feel better though because obviously he's listening! he's started saying some of his letter sounds too...and always walks around saying, "E for ephram!" He is SO cute when he says his own name:).
ephram is ALL BOY. he's much different than Braden was...more similar to Kinsey:). He loves to climb, hit (which he calls 'pat' and will say, "no hit" "pat"), run, crash into us, etc. He is SUCH a joyful baby. He's always happy...always. He's such a blessing and we all have so much fun with him. He can say all of his siblings names correctly but sometimes says, "kay kay" or "bray bray" because that's what the kids call themselves to him.
he still goes down to sleep at 2:00 and sleeps for 2.5 to 3 hours. he only sleeps at night if braden is in his room. this can be hard when braden's at scouts or awana but he just cries and cries without him.
he LOVES animals but especially pandas, dogs, monkeys, and lions. pandas are def number one. he'll shout "PANDA" whenever he sees one and is attracted to their noses. as soon as he has any animal (toy, plastic, stuffed, etc.) he'll touch their noses, then eyes, and mouths...then put the noses in his mouth. he loves faces!
he's still our pickiest eater but finally hit the 20 lb mark at 18 months...yay! never had such a skinny one before but we try and try to get him to eat.
he's started unzipping things (including his clothes) and is able to help get himself undressed. he likes to feed himSELF and will SCREAM if you try to help him. we are working on 'no thank you' instead of screaming...we'll see when that comes:).

his vocabulary continues to increase DAILY...he constantly blows our minds with the things he says. he rarely just cries out of frustration because he'll say, "help please," "i'm stuck," "help me," etc. he's started saying "yes mam" and "i'm sorry" after we talk or after he's 'pat' aka hit someone. he's had to go to time out a few times because of his hitting but stays there with his head down and lip poking out until his time is up. as soon as we go over to him and talk about it he'll say, "i sorry" and gives the biggest hugs. he understands EVERYTHING. we can send him off to do something and he'll follow 2 and 3 step directions.
tonight i got a book out to read him called Baby Faces (all about emotions). i've read it off and on for months but he doesn't really sit down in our laps to read much..he's more 'on the go' and playing while we read. i opened it up and he said, "Happy!"...which is the first page in the book. i sat there with my jaw open...could NOT believe it. it did make me feel better though because obviously he's listening! he's started saying some of his letter sounds too...and always walks around saying, "E for ephram!" He is SO cute when he says his own name:).
ephram is ALL BOY. he's much different than Braden was...more similar to Kinsey:). He loves to climb, hit (which he calls 'pat' and will say, "no hit" "pat"), run, crash into us, etc. He is SUCH a joyful baby. He's always happy...always. He's such a blessing and we all have so much fun with him. He can say all of his siblings names correctly but sometimes says, "kay kay" or "bray bray" because that's what the kids call themselves to him.
he still goes down to sleep at 2:00 and sleeps for 2.5 to 3 hours. he only sleeps at night if braden is in his room. this can be hard when braden's at scouts or awana but he just cries and cries without him.
he LOVES animals but especially pandas, dogs, monkeys, and lions. pandas are def number one. he'll shout "PANDA" whenever he sees one and is attracted to their noses. as soon as he has any animal (toy, plastic, stuffed, etc.) he'll touch their noses, then eyes, and mouths...then put the noses in his mouth. he loves faces!
he's still our pickiest eater but finally hit the 20 lb mark at 18 months...yay! never had such a skinny one before but we try and try to get him to eat.
he's started unzipping things (including his clothes) and is able to help get himself undressed. he likes to feed himSELF and will SCREAM if you try to help him. we are working on 'no thank you' instead of screaming...we'll see when that comes:).

he also LOVES taking bubble baths with his siblings!
SO glad you got a "real" boy!! Hee hee:)
This is SO sweet! What a cute little guy he is, and isn't it fun having each of them different? He sure is smart & I know you all must be having so much fun with him!
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