Brian came home from work Thursday evening with a big surprise for Cailey. He was taking her to her first Carolina game! (Which was not starting until 9:00pm!) She's been wanting to go to one for a long time and she was beyond excited!

She doesn't have any Carolina clothes but we did our best to make her look like a fan. She picked out blue ribbon for me to put in her hair too. Cailey had SO MUCH fun at the game! I called halfway and she was still really excited. I was thinking she would be bored but boy was I wrong! Her comment was, "It's loud and the cheerleaders come out every four minutes for a mandatory time out". When I called they were losing so Brian wasn't happy but it all ended on a good note because in the end they won! YAY! Go Heels! I was sleeping when she came home but the next day she told me all about it and really focused on the fact that they have to do a lot of running back and forth. She was one thankful little girl and did AWESOME the next day considering she was going on very little sleep.

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