braden definitely looked for the BEST apples and would gently place them
in his bag!
in his bag!

picked, clean, eat....that seemed to be kinsey's technique this year!

love these!

hard to eat an apple without all your teeth!
(this comment is true for both of them:)
(this comment is true for both of them:)

ephram was LOVING his apples! he ate the entire time and shouted (pointing) "APPLE" whenever he dropped it.

4 smiles...then more on the way home!

ephram was so confused about why mommy was sitting in
the back...and smiley was too cute not to post:)
Apple picking came early this year at Nonny and Poppy's! We went for our annual apple picking trip (that we've been doing since before the kiddos were born) right after Labor Day weekend. There were tons of yummy apples just waiting for the kiddos and they picked out all different kinds. They always love picking a few yellow ones at the end just to eat. I was surprised this year when I went to cook them that there were LOTS of cute little ones thrown in (which they ate because they were too small to bother peeling, etc.) The weather was perfect (nice and cool) and the kids had a blast picking, chasing, tasting, hunting, racing, and climbing.
So far I've made TONS of applesauce and baked apples (which are in the freezer), taffy apple pizza, apple crisp, apple pie apples, and mt dew apples. The kiddos have also been enjoying their 'apple a day.' I love that freshly picked apples last SO long!
how do you make your baked apples?
Mountain Dew Apples? Please do tell....
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