ephram laughed and laughed while rocking in this chair!

LOVE these! ephram really started walking far at Nonny and Poppy's house. this one of braden and ephram is SO precious to me:)

i have pics of all my babies playing with this toy

braden always loves helping out nonny with cooking and cleaning...and constantly asks her what he can do to help. such a servants heart!

they played LOTS of games with Nonny..and mommy:) we played
pick up sticks, tiddly winks, bingo, candy land, connect four, and more!

brian took braden on a nature walk and they found this 'turtle' (with a SUPER long snake like tail). they enjoyed watching it for a day before poppy set it free.

mommy and her babies:)
We had a great few days at Nonny and Poppy's house just hanging out, playing games, riding bikes, playing with neighbors, picking apples, going on walks, and talking.

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