we were THRILLED to see God's amazing handiwork when we got what looked like dried up tiny catepillars in the mail. the kids observed them daily and honestly even brian and i thought it was awesome! for the first couple of days we didn't see much change and brian thought they were dead. by the third day they started looking more like the fuzzy catepillars we see outside then doubled in size each day after that. CLEARLY i didn't time things well because i forgot cailey would be at mom's house for the week and then we'd end on Easter so i wasn't sure how much we'd get to see but sure enough it worked out.

once they were in cocoons and then their chrysalis we moved them over and played the waiting game. when we came home on Easter Sunday we discovered butterflies (starving) and quickly got them flowers with sugar water...which they went to right away. we kept them inside for a couple of days before releasing them.

the kiddos and i stayed outside weeding and observing them for about an hour before it started to rain and they were gone. this was an amazing experience...something so simple...yet so not. they only live for about two weeks...craziness!

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