Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

take 1...

take 39:)

On Mother's Day I was showered with gifts and yummy food but also got to snuggle my sick baby all day long. The next weekend I wanted a 'Mother's Day picture' so before church Brian took a few:). Along with homemade cards (which are the BEST gift ever) Brian was awesome and had each kid pick out something I really needed. He told them the items and then they picked out which one/ and which color/kind to get. Cailey picked out a hot pink phone cover, Braden picked out a pair of sunglasses, Kinsey got me a new baking sheet, Ephram got me a lens cap attacher thingy (because he always walks away with my lens cap) and they all got me a willow tree candle holder. I love candle lit dinners every night of the week and now I can have a candle holder from my babies:). SO blessed and thankful!

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