we went to marbles with the lawley's, klick's, hileman's, and miller's (who came a couple hours after us) and had a fun day:). we even got to see some old friends from church and ran into the sandner's too.

cailey's favorite thing to do in the main downstairs room has ALWAYS been the crutches and it was this day too. she also found a wheelchair and had fun with it too. i love the picture on the left because cailey is in a wheelchair WITH her crutches and a hurt dog is beside her...so funny! braden calmly pushed her then she wanted him to have a turn and RAN around in circles. so different!

they changed things up and replaced the post office with a veterinarian area which was so unbelievably cute! they had cages for the animals, a HUGE scale, food, stuffed dogs/cats, x rays, bones for the dogs to eat, charts...it was just so cute! ephram spent most of his time taking care of the sick doggies:)....braden loved it too. kinsey ran back and forth between the grocery store, ambulance, pet hospital, dress up, stage, and crafts. (which is why i don't have pics of her...keeping track of 4 kids in there was hard!)

the boys were having fun with trains in their matching pirate shirts!

ephram wanted to go out to the flower garden to water the plants and play in sand. all the kiddos had fun out there too.
braden went off with caden and jackson to cut wood while the other kiddos played in the money room, pet store, and pizza place.

after lunch they headed off with friends to play hockey and prepare healthy foods.

Kinsey did some fun crafts and painting while I was with the others in different rooms. She made clothes for dolls with cheryl and painted on glass then onto paper with some other friends. I love that there's something fun for everyone at Marbles but it was hard to keep up with all four now that Ephram wants to join in...and since I was worrying about the potty training but he didn't have any accidents and we didn't lose anyone (permanently:). Fun and busy morning as we spent hours there!
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