Wednesday, June 1, 2011


we went to visit our sweet friends last month for a sleepover and it was MUCH needed because we sure missed them. i LOVE catching up with Laura and Cailey has really been missing becca...not to mention all the other kiddos!

kinsey stayed behind with brian this time because she had her last tball game...with an ice cream celebration afterwards. kelly watched kinsey all day long so she was THRILLED to have a playdate with caroline then tball and a sleepover party with daddy:). the next day i picked her up at his work and we all went to swimming lessons.

these two always have fun playing together when Cailey wants to play outside for an extended time. they both love to color and play games...while my outdoors girl could stay out there all day.

it was cold and rained pretty much all day but the kiddos still had a great time playing outside in it.

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