Nonny came for a surprise visit! The kids were totally shocked and couldn't believe she was staying "for a WHOLE week!" Having her here was such a blessing for us all..but especially sweet ephram who was played with all morning while I did school with the other kids. The day she arrived he was trying to teach her how to play angry birds..hilarious!
Most days I'd do school in the morning while mom played with ephram..then kinsey and we'd go out to run errands/lunch/ or field trips after school.
Mom played games, did play doh, worked on letters, sorted, built marble mazes, sang, read books, and kept ephram completely going for hours. The pictures I have of them together were always taken when I came down from teaching while the older ones were doing their independent work. LOVE! Kinsey was showing Nonny how the wedding dress and veil looked on Ivy. Nonny made both of the girls new wardrobes for their dolls.

Nonny even got to hear both Cailey and Braden do their first oral reports on books they had read.

after errands, etc. nonny would play with the big kids in the afternoon while ephram was napping.
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