Cailey had NO clue they were coming and wondered why I asked her to answer the door (because usually I don't let them answer it unless we know who is coming over or I am standing there).
I pretty much keep it a secret every time they come. Most of all because I like to surprise people..but also because it helps them focus on getting their school work done before they come. This was our January visit together and it was a RAINY day (boo) which meant the kiddos wouldn't be able to play outside like they usually do for a good bit of the day. We decided to take them to chick fil a where they got rid of some energy (and had lunch) then spent the rest of the day at home. The kids and moms had a great time catching up:).

love this pic...they were all genuinely smiling b/c they
were waiting for piggy back rides from cailey!

chick fil a break for lunch...and apparently the big girls are too cool to sit near us now:). this is the second time cailey's done this where she requested to sit with her friend in the 'stools by the window'. sigh.

I had to get an airplane pic b/c i have one of them in there at 4yrs old...I'll
probably make them do it again when they are 18:).

we had a fun 'typical' family night of singing, dancing, pillow fights, and
bible study. fun times:)!
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