June 1- Cailey was sick all day again:(, watched alex, hung out with Kelly and baby Charlotte:), ate lunch and hung out with Cheryl, took care of my sick baby girl, kinsey went to the AHG bridge night, played with the boys, listened to Kinsey read, and practice play parts with Braden.
June 2- sick cailey girl, we ALL slept in, youngest three played outside most of the day, played games, and had a star wars movie night.
June 3- happy birthday ephram!! celebrated him all day long with his fav food choices, took C to the dr. for lab work, treated to slushies on the way home for c's sore throat and just cuz for the others, kinsey played with emily ruth all day, brian stained the deck, and got prepped a little for e's party.
June 4- decided it was a little cool for the pool so we stayed home and played together all day!, ephram discovered his cowboy boots and amazingly the harmonica both today and played the part well, brian decided we need to get him a cowboy hat, jumped on the trampoline with the kiddos, they played with water squirters outside all afternoon, and had some great Braden time!!
June 5- happy anniversary!, had a special blog post waiting for me, kiddos were SUPER sad because our playdate to the pool with the Lawley's was canceled due to cold and rain:(, went to Shelley Lake when it dried and had fun playing tag in tall flowers/throwing rocks in the water/hiking/playing on the playground/, afternoon warmed up enough for water squirters and popsicles, and had the klick's over for a fun dinner playdate!
June 6- laundry, cleaned house, had to stay home from the pool again because it was 58 degrees this morning!! so crazy for June!, sang to Nonny for her birthday, played tons of games, did crafts, got things prepped for Ephram's party, took the kids to play in the creek at Durant Trails (which they LOVE), and went to see Emily Ruth's gymnastics show.
June 7- hung out at the Klick's all morning and got some great Charlotte time:), kiddos played in and outside in the cool weather having a blast, went to Marsie's until dinner for another playdate and movie date with them...super fun!, ephram fell asleep on her chair, came home and started working on Ephram's doggie cake.
June 8- watched Alex, took all the kiddos to the pool for a couple hours, came home with a surprise for the kiddos that Nonny was here!, decorated ephram's doggie cake, took mom out to Casalinga for her birthday,played games, and mom and I went on a walk together.
June 9- Made cupcakes for Ephram's party, hosted his dog party with all his friends!, had a blast with our favorite three year old boys and their sweet mamas, took ephram out for his birthday meal with Brian and I to Chili's while mom watched the others, set up the sprinkler/squirters for the kiddos, the girls played at the Morgan's in the afternoon, grilled out, got a call from Dr. Walker telling me that Cailey had Pfapa and will probably have her tonsils out, kiddos played play dough with nonny, brian went car hunting, and hung out with mom.
June 10- found out someone broke into the van, person came to look at buying brian's car, church..and mom came, went to look at new cars, lunch/hung out all together, games, took ephram to winston's birthday party while mom played games (and taught them gin rummy) with the other kiddos, breakfast for dinner with mom here:), went on a walk with mom while the oldest two rode their bikes, and watched the rest of Unforgettable and Rizzoli and Isles with mom.
June 11- ran errands with mom and the kiddos ALL day from 9-5 then dropped them off and went to the car place with brian from 5-9:30...LONG day!, Jason's deli for lunch, new running shoes, goggles for the girls, bookstore, library time, bank, walmart for flowers that mom planted, target for shoes, busy busy! Oh..and we bought a new car!
June 12- at home day (mostly) since it was pouring...laundry, cleaning, took ephram to toddler time at CFA, gin rummy with mom and the kids, movie/popcorn day with kiddos who watched Monsters, Inc. for the first time, mom took us out for ice cream after dinner and we ran to HT for yummy peaches on sale!
June 13- went to the pool with nonny, played games together, kiddos played with squirters, ate kettle corn and watched dallas with mom:), read library books to e over and over:) and listened to Kinsey read.
June 14- Brian took oldest two on a run, went walking in the COOL weather with cailey, weeded with the other kiddos while nonny planted flowers, played games all day, nonny took the kiddos to McD's for a lunch surprise, ran errands with mom and kinsey while the others played outside, rode my bike a little, went on a stroll with brian, and hung out with mom.
June 15- said goodbye to nonny:(, watched alex, walked at the Y with Cailey, met Kelly at the mall for lunch with the kiddos, traded kids for the afternoon..then watched them while Charlotte was at the Dr., kiddos had fun water fights with klick kids and emily ruth, crashed in the evening, read tons to kinsey and ephram...over and over for e:), and loved having no where to go!
June 16- brian had a golf tournament, kiddos spent the day playing outside, star wars movie with daddy, cailey played at the morgan's, great cool weather!, LOVED to hear ephram ask if he could have a sleepover with "tinsey":)
June 17- Happy Father's Day to Brian!!, presents, church, Golden Corral with the Morgan's, relaxing, kids played outside, heard about L&M from mom... talked to dad and a hilarious article in the Washington Post about Terry Lynch being annoying, got lots of giggles and snuggles from my baby boy.
June 18- Choir camp for the three oldest, played Legos/read books/played games with ephram!!, pool with kiddos, first swim team practice of the season for oldest three, then they played outside until dark.
June 19- walk/ran with cailey, played with ephram all morning while the others were at choir camp, packed lunches for the kiddos and spent the afternoon at the pool after picking them up, then they played outside until dark...LOVE summer!
June 20- piano lessons for the kiddos, cleaned and got rid of fruit flies, story time with ephram at the library, HT super doubles twice, choir camp, errands, megilligan's pool for the afternoon, swim team, ephram played in the splash part with winston and carter, and cailey started feeling bad.
June 21- played legos/games/and outside with ephram, he helped me water flowers while the others were at choir camp, went to carters for a fun play date, fed Charlotte:), kinsey and braden played all afternoon while cailey wasn't feeling good and rested, rode bikes with the youngest three, and tickled a lot:).
June 22-cailey woke up feeling better!!, watched alex, played board games with ephram and alex while the others were at choir camp, ate lunch at CFA with him, had a restful afternoon so the kids could relax before their program, watched them all do a GREAT job in the musical!, and had silly/loud/giggly family time when we got home.
June 23- Rebecca came for Aunt camp!!, polished nails, brian and braden ran errands together and built his rocket for scouts, kinsey went swimming with emily ruth, girls played in the home pool all afternoon then went to Golden Corral for dinner, Little House on the Prairie, and surprised the kids AFTER they were in bed 30 minutes with a jammie trip to Krispy Kreme.
June 24- 3 mile run for Braden, church, took Rebecca and Cailey to Mellow Mushroom and then to paint pottery while Braden and Kinsey played with emily ruth and ephram napped, went to watch the 2nd choir performance and klick's came, kiddos played on the playground after then big girls watched a little house episode and ate mac n' cheese before bed.
June 25- lab work, first day of bayleaf VBS, took caden home with us (sleepover night) then straight to Jumpin' beans for a fun afternoon, games, outside play (since it never stormed as predicted), swim team, kinsey went to the morgan's for a sleepover, took all the kiddos to Chili's for a late dinner, and laughed with them a lot!!
June 26- woke up to the boys playing wii, ran/walked, kiddos to VBS, packed a ton for camp and MD, kiddos decorated the gingerbread house with a summer theme, took ephram to the dr. for his three year, slushies for a snack, cheered on the kiddos at their first swim meet, chatted with friends, and came home with excited children!
June 27- kiddos had gingerbread house for breakfast!!, ran/walked, piano lessons, VBS, pool day!! (stayed until 4), failed jason's deli attempt (as we had to go back to the Y for the camera), caden came over for a sleepover, swim team, lots of playing, Little house on the prairie.
** LOVE how ephram says brudder (i/o brother)
June 28- dr. holt for my lab check, VBS, kinsey and braden to williams for a playdate complete with swimming, mall for lunch and shopping with the girls and ephram, cailey's ENT apt., girls painted shirts and made ice cream sundaes, little house, and family fun night at VBS.
June 29- ephram had a bad cough so stayed home and played with me during VBS, ran errands, took the kids for salads at Jason's Deli, more packing for camp/MD, girls played pet shop, naps:), 106 degrees outside!!, picked up the girls cute pottery, swim team practice, and little house.
June 30- kiddos played in the pool and w/ squirters from 9-12 in the shade before it got to hot, pet shop/little people play, played games with Braden while Kinsey ran errands with Brian, sick ephram boy took a THREE hour nap, board games with becca and cailey, said goodbye to becca, cailey went to Lindsey's birthday party, played with the three youngest, and watch swimming/gymnastics olympic trials as a fam.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
June 2012
first dinner with charlotte
When Charlotte was two weeks old she came over for her first Barbour/Klick dinner night! We were all excited to hold her again.

The other kiddos had fun hunting for bugs, squirting each other, playing games, playing legos, and playing hide and seek.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Swim Team!
The kids are swimming with the city this year because it's MUCH cheaper and we have all three of the oldest in swim team. The Williams, Klick's, and Morgan's are all swimming for the Marlins too which has made it super fun for the kids. So far they LOVE it much more than the Y...primarily because it's easier:).
summertime at the park
cooler June temps meant LOTS of park days!! we packed picnics, headed over in the morning and even stayed all through nap time a couple days because we were having so much fun! At shelley lake after they played on the equipment we went on a hike and down to the water. They spent an hour walking up to get rocks...then taking them back down to skip (or throw) on the water. i love that they have so much fun just being outside with sticks and rocks!

silly kinsey wanted to go on the baby swing...then silly ephram did too:). but his favorite thing was digging in the sand. he spend most of his playground time with that.

On the way out we found these GIANT flowers (that almost looked like corn rows) and played tag and hide and go seek in them. It was so fun and nice that it wasn't too hot for it!
Thursday, June 28, 2012

The first time we took them out we all had clothes on because it was a little cool outside. That wasn't the best idea as we were SOAKED!

they LOVE doing it in the afternoons...and have had these squirt fights probably 10 times in the last week alone! usually squirters come hand in hand with popsicles...and sometimes friends too (so we've picked up a few more for guests:). it's a lot more fun when they are wearing bathing suits!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
First Pool Day!
The oldest three spend their time off playing with each other and friends they make (or meet up with) at the pool. I also play games with them, chase them, throw diving sticks for them, and race them.

it got a bit cold so they wanted to head inside. ephram LOVED going down the slide and being caught by Cailey and I:).

We usually go from 10-2 and bring lunches and snacks. Since Ephram isn't always napping these days we are sometimes staying later too.
Ephram is very timid in the water and isn't the daredevil that Kinsey was. He reminds me a lot of how Braden was at his age. His favorite thing to do is play with toys in the shallow part. He will put his face in when I ask and jumps to me in the water but doesn't love going under. I'll definitely put him in lessons next year!