The oldest three spend their time off playing with each other and friends they make (or meet up with) at the pool. I also play games with them, chase them, throw diving sticks for them, and race them.

it got a bit cold so they wanted to head inside. ephram LOVED going down the slide and being caught by Cailey and I:).

We usually go from 10-2 and bring lunches and snacks. Since Ephram isn't always napping these days we are sometimes staying later too.
Ephram is very timid in the water and isn't the daredevil that Kinsey was. He reminds me a lot of how Braden was at his age. His favorite thing to do is play with toys in the shallow part. He will put his face in when I ask and jumps to me in the water but doesn't love going under. I'll definitely put him in lessons next year!
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