cailey and cute! ephram and carter had so much fun on the sit n spin together:)!
we had a week off of co op so we went to the klick's house for a playdate then on to the park for a picnic and some play time!

after playing inside at the klicks for a while we went to a 'new to us' park nearby and the kiddos had a blast playing on the equipment! it was pretty warm out and there was no shade so this park is perfect for cooler days...not so much on hot days. we met molly, liz, and amy (from co op) there so the kiddos had tons of friends to play with. since cailey was the oldest she spent most of her time following Charlotte (amy's sweet blonde 19 month old) around helping her on the swings and slide. She keeps saying she wants to be a mothers helper but is particularly drawn to little girls. the boys GREATLY outnumbered the girls so ephram and braden had a blast!

for some reason they were fascinated with the broken picnic table and liked climbing and sitting on it.

check out all those boys!

kinsey loved the monkey bars, flipping on the bars, and the 'repelling' bar! ephram loved the sand toys.

after playing outside for most of the day at the park and friends houses the kiddos came home and played outside some more! they are really loving this warm weather in February.
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