i thought he would love it. he didn't ever try to eat it...but he did NOT like the spaghetti maker. in fact, it was almost like he thought they were worms...and he's TERRIFIED of anything that has lots of legs and crawls. i've never seen a baby so scared of bugs before but he is! and he was scared of the play doh.

he liked putting it in the maker but SCREAMED and CRIED if anyone pushed it down. the shapes, on the other hand, were a big hit!

kinsey girl has ALWAYS loved playing with play doh and still does today. she would play with it all day long every day if she could! it's honestly her favorite thing to do! she was making the word 'nab' with it because she remembered it from phonics. cailey and braden joined us too.

not sure what it is about a baby crying but they thought it was HILARIOUS that he was scared of play doh. poor baby! but notice i took pictures. he is seriously crying because he's scared...and even learned that word that day. he uses it appropriately too (like when it's completely dark he'll say, "scared").
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