Cailey decided she wanted to play basketball this year instead of softball so we signed her up with Upward at Open Door and she had a GREAT season! She LOVED- really loved it and looked forward to both practices and games. It was a very small league with only two teams in her age group so they played each other every Friday night! The great thing about that is that each girl got to know the names of the girls on the other team pretty fast...and their skill levels! This being Cailey's first season ever the other girls were SO very encouraging and supportive of her.
She tried her hardest every week...and then finally the last two games she scored baskets!! She was THRILLED as were her teammates and their families:)!
it took a few games to 'get' all the rules but she got there and her confidence grew. This is a great (and accurate) picture of the situation. Cailey was TINY compared to EVERYone else. I mean they were a foot to a foot and a half taller than her since it's for grades 4-6 and she's on the tiny size for 4th grade. She was treated like Braden usually is (everywhere he goes) like "aww...she's so cute and little!" I've never seen her like that until she was at basketball but boy were they right! So much tinier she was SO cute and little...

Cailey was fierce on defense!! It was offense where she struggled which will come in time. The ball would pretty much get taken from her as soon as she tried to dribble. But defense...girl did great! (Except for the super tall ones who could catch and shoot above her head:)

I'm thankful that she loved it so much!! She's already excited to play again next I guess softball will skip a generation:).
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