We assumed our turtle rescue, Runaway, had left months ago but low and behold Braden spotted him walking around under the deck. The kids were SO excited (as were us adults) because we thought that without a water source he had moved on. Now they have no trouble finding him as he seems to stay under the porch while the kids are out and wander around the yard when he's all alone back there. (We can see him from the homeschool room window).

A few days after the kids rediscovered runaway Cailey found this little turtle, Speedy, on a walk with Kinsey and I. She carried it home for over a mile! When we were almost home this little turtle decided it had enough and was scratching her and 'swimming' with it's legs but she got it all the way home. It was very fast...and I was pretty sure it wouldn't hang around long. They played with it for a few days before it finally moved on to another home. Runaway is still hanging out in the backyard though...so for now we have a 'pet' that doesn't have to be cared for yet provides hours of entertainment for the kiddos.
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