I heard that new chicks and ducklings arrived at a friends house and wanted the kiddos to be able to see the sweet things. They were so excited as they had no idea where we were going (thinking it was another errand).

All of them soaked up the cuteness...and learned a bunch too!
These chicks are meant for meat....so no snuggling them:(.

Then they were able to go and collect eggs...the whole thing brought me back to Little House on the Prairie...LOVE!

getting to meet the different chickens...who knew there were SO many kinds and they all laid a variety of eggs both in shape and size.
Gretchen and her girls were SO very sweet to the kiddos that they were all sad to leave when nap time came.

ephram was playing a game of pull out the egg then put it back in....over and over:)

This was RIGHT up Braden's alley as he loves all things animals.
He had no interest in the awesome swing or great trampoline with friends but soaked
up as much chicken time as he could:).
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