We had a GREAT day together enjoying being together and eating lots of green/rainbow food. I LOVE to go all out on Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day because my children will only be small for a short time and they love it...and I love serving them in this way. It's fun! I've done it for so long that they think this is normal and happens in every household:). Every year things are a little different with the common theme being green and rainbows. (This of course, after hearing the TRUE story of St. Patrick and significance of the shamrock first.)

We had an early start to our morning because of soccer games so for the kids "first breakfast" they had green milk, pears, and lucky charms cereal that was free during super doubles:). (Lucky Charms was new this year!)

After soccer we came home and gave the kids second breakfast which consisted of rainbow waffles and frozen grapes...my rule with eating on St. Patrick's day is it has to be green or rainbow:)! Thankfully there are a TON of healthy green foods to choose from.

Us green beans...and we are ALWAYS on the lookout for people who aren't wearing green where ever we go:). This morning on the soccer field there were a TON! I was actually surprised because I honestly thought everyone would at least WEAR green even if they didn't do the crazy stuff I do:).
After the pictures, Ephram and I went on a green hunt outside. Then the girls and I went on a walk while Braden and Ephram stayed home to help Brian with yard work. Cailey found a turtle half way through our long walk and carried it all the way home so it made for great fun for the rest of the warm sunny day!

Instead of a rainbow cake this year I decided to try rainbow cupcakes! The kids LOVED them! I frosted them with light blue for a sky and used marshmallows as a cloud.

We were invited over to the Klick's house for dinner and I told Kelly that we usually have green food for dinner. I was quick to say that I could bring things OR not to worry about it and we'd do our green meal a different night but she was SUCH a trooper for my craziness and I was THRILLED when I walked in to a green dinner!! There was grilled chicken on green spinach tortillas, green salad with green peppers, cucumbers, and broccoli, grapes, yummy spinach alfredo noodles, and I brought pistachio salad along with the cupcakes. OH...and she even had a HUGE bottle of green punch. It makes me smile just to think about it. What a SWEET friend to be willing to participate in our 'green eating'.

the kids LOVED it too and I don't think there were any leftovers. YUM!

A couple pictures of them enjoying their cupcakes. We just LOVE this family!!
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