Braden asked for a Lego party this year and a Lego party he got! He was VERY involved in the planning and had a lot of great ideas. He also wanted to help with making all of his fun goodies!

The Lego cakes...he picked out all the colors:). After I dipped the Lego head pops he drew their faces on with edible marker.

The Lego bags started as plain white bags then he colored them all (first with crayon, then with marker), traced cardstock circles and colored them and I glued them on. He helped stuff the goodie bags with treats too.

Braden decided some things just had to be tasted along the way:). I made Lego ice cubes in a mold that I ordered off of ebay (and was able to use for a TON of the things for his party).

We made LEGO chocolates and Lego jello with the mold too (the jello was a HUGE learning curve and I got better with each color). There were also Lego sweet tart type candy that the boys could actually use to build with and they thought it was pretty awesome. Oh...Braden made the Lego bowls to hold the candy too.
Braden thought of a cute Lego snack too...frosted graham crackers with frosting and m&m's and I wanted to add something salty so we made Lego cheese and crackers and pepperoni and crackers. Braden cut out ALL the cheese by himself using a small fondant circle cutter. He was so happy (as was I) with how it all turned out.
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