Can't believe it's already time for his 11 month update!! Seems like April just flew by and sweet Ephram is growing up so quickly. He was 11 months old yesterday and has become so attached to us. There have been several times over the last week that he didn't want to be held by friends...only mommy:). That MELTS my heart!!
Ephram got his first ear infection (that we know of) and stopped eating solids for about 1 1/2 weeks. We kept offering them but he'd eat a couple bites and then not be interested and just fuss. This made him hungrier for his bottle. Oh...he also DROPPED his 11:30 bottle before the ear infection. He went on antibiotics on Saturday and today (Tuesday) he is finally acting back to normal. He's back to being happy and eating like a champ!
Eating: Ephram eats 3 bottles a day now...18 oz. of whole milk. He likes his milk super warm and won't even drink a drop of it if it's cold. This makes it hard when we go places, but he doesn't fuss about being hungry...just won't eat it until it's warm. He's not spitting up anymore (YAY!) after his bottle. He still continues to eat most things we put in front of him but isn't crazy about pieces of plain chicken or cucumbers. He can feed himself everything but I feel like he gets a lot more when I feed him mashed food with a spoon. Usually I'll feed him something and then put other things on the tray for him to feed himself. This month he tried lots of new things but I can't remember them all. He ate: chick peas, steak, peaches (can't remember if he had this), biscuit (he LOVES bread), wheat germ, greek yogurt, eggs, dates, cherries, raspberries, apricots, cheddar cheese, kix, pork, wild rice, meatball, and oranges. Ephram is NOT holding his bottle and hasn't learned how to drink out of a cup. He hasn't been interested in it at all but I'm hoping he'll master it this month because we drop the bottle at one!
Sleeping: This hasn't changed...he is still sleeping 12 hours at night and taking two naps during the day. He had one day (yesterday) where he cried a lot during his naps and when he was put down at night but was back to normal today.
Communication: Ephram has definitely learned how to sign "more" now. He babbles constantly and does "SO big" with his hands. He can clap his hands and wave "hi" and "bye bye". He's funny because he only 'performs' when HE is in the mood. If you try and get him to do something and he's not in the mood then he won't do it. We are still working on the signs: please, excuse me, thank you, dog, milk, cup, and a couple others.

he's been a little more interested in books which
i'm sure is due to braden and i constantly reading to him:)!
Physical: Ephram is right on track with his physical abilities. I'm so used to having kids that are behind physically that I'm amazed he's doing everything he can! He's learned to pull up in his crib, on his toy basket, the ottoman...basically anything around. He stands and plays at his table for a long time but hasn't figured out how to sit down without getting upset about it. He isn't cruising yet but I think it's close. He crawls super soon as we put him down in the family room and walk back to the kitchen he's right there! He's learned how to crawl up on the landing but hasn't figured out the rest of the stairs. he learned how to crawl up on the trampoline too! He's constantly doing the 'downward dog' yoga position like he wants to stand up and will try and let go of our hands when he's standing but then holds on again quickly. He actually does a lot of yoga moves:). When he's in the jumpy or exersaucer and we jump, he'll jump. If we ask him to jump he does...when he wants too.

this is the FIRST time he learned how to pull up. poor thing
had pants that were too big and the fell off as soon as he
stood up. cailey ran and got the camera and shot this pictures
for me while i did math with braden.
My sweet boy learned how to stand up in his crib a couple weeks ago...but he couldn't figure out how to sit down. Poor guy was SO sad! He was SCREAMING like a newborn and we found him like this.
Siblings: LOVE LOVE LOVE this baby. They were THRILLED when he learned each new thing and were more excited than me when he learned how to climb on the trampoline:). They continue to be nothing but helpful and loving towards him.
He is such a handsome fellow! Darling pictures!!
so much fun! We have that same car for cameron and she hasn't mastered riding it at all. She loves being pushed though and she will push it herself as a walker! So glad to see E doing so well!
the waving on the trampoline is the BEST! what a cutie! time is flying!!!
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