Checking out all the outdoor trains!

taking a ride on the turntable...SO cool! the kids were able to see
how they moved the trains from track to track
they had different kinds of trains from all different eras..
passenger lines, cabooses, refrigerator trains, WWII hospital
train car, amtraks, and lots of different engines.
passenger lines, cabooses, refrigerator trains, WWII hospital
train car, amtraks, and lots of different engines.

little red caboose, chug, chug, chug...

the wright brothers plane-
this was in the wagons, wheels, and wings
building. they had a HUGE covered wagon that reminded
us of Little House on the Prairie.

they had police cars from the 40's and 70's...
and cars from all eras.
and cars from all eras.

we had a great couple of hours at the museum and could have stayed
much longer. we'll be going back when ephram's a little older so he
can be surprised and excited like Braden was!
much longer. we'll be going back when ephram's a little older so he
can be surprised and excited like Braden was!
Braden's Words:
Mommy and Daddy surprised me by taking me to the North Carolina Transportation Museum. When we got there I saw some trains! I was excited and happy to be there. It was cool seeing and getting to climb on lots of trains. I had a great time.
First, I played on the outside trains. Then I went on the turntable ride. It was fun! Then I went to see more trains and explore them. I went into a red caboose that had a stove, bathroom, and seats in it. Next, I went to see the airplane and learn all about planes and the railroads. It was very hard work to build the railroad. Sometimes they would sing songs while they were working. After that we went to see OLD cars from back then. Mama liked some of them. I liked them too. I liked the old police cars. There were lots of firetruck models from back then and today that were really cool and even a helicopter. Next we went to see the seats of planes. (The flight simulation). Then we went into a store that had all different transportation things. I tried on a train hat. We bought a license plate games to play on trips. We found 11 different states on the way home to Raleigh. Then we left and went to dinner. My favorite thing there was seeing the trains.
It made my heart SO happy to see Braden's face light up at the museum. All the kiddos had a great time and loved it! They also learned a lot about the railway being built...another great field trip! We've been wanting to go for a few years now and it worked out perfectly to go after the Lazy 5 Ranch.
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