Today was a great day! We didn't go anywhere crazy or do much but it was fun just hanging out and being together. I was woken up by Braden who had a sweet letter he wrote for me telling me all about why he loved me. He kept making me feel special all day long and truly wanted me to have a great mother's day.
Last night, Cailey read me 'Love You Forever' at her bedtime and it just made me cry. I LOVE that book! I loved it even more because everything the kids did for me last night and today was all THEIR ideas. There was no prompting, no suggesting, no nagging...they just did things and said things because they wanted to.
All of the kids either wrote me a letter or card. I was amazed by all of them. I was amazed beyond words by Kinsey. She brought me a piece of scrap white paper with a picture of a person on it. On the other side she wrote her name. For the first time EVER. WithOUT dots to trace. Completely UNprompted...all on her own!! I was SO PROUD of her! She's never done that before! I haven't been working with her on it as much as I did with the others and she NEEDS more help than they did. Now that their school is slowing down I'll be able to do more with her. I'm amazed and just SO proud of Kinsey!!
Ephram had his baby dedication this morning...on Mother's Day. It was naptime for him but he did great (other than trying to pull my shirt down and eating my necklace:). It's such a blessing to be able to dedicate him on Mother's Day!
Today I think of three birth moms who were willing to carry their babies to term and give ME the ultimate gift...their children. I'm sure they are thinking about them today. I know that one of them has another child..who is 7 1/2. One definitely doesn't have any children, and the third may have one by now. But even so, I'm sure they are hurting for their babies who we got to love on today. I pray for them and am so thankful they chose to keep our precious children until birth.
We just hung around this afternoon...lounging. It was awesome. There were games played, books read, piano practiced, babies hugged, outside time, and an awesome smell coming from the kitchen. It was the smell of baked ziti, homemade meatballs, and garlic bread made by Brian...for me. Such a sacrifice to spend the day cooking for someone...thank you, honey!

Braden set the table and gave me the B plate. Brian
and I have never used the B plate but thought it was a
great idea and will continue the tradition on our birthdays
and Mother/Father's Day...afterall, it's supposed to be
for special days!
It was a good, relaxing day...just like it should be:).
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