This Christmas there wasn't a way for our kids to be involved in helping with outreach at church (like they've done in the past) so we decided to start our own tradition of reaching out in a way that we could do every year and it was awesome. It was fun for the kids, they learned a lot, and they stayed excited about it.
Matthew 25:31-46 - "...whatever you did for the least of these, you did for me..."
We told them that even though you can't give 'real' presents to Jesus for Him to open that they COULD give to Him by giving to others.
So we gave them each a World Vision catalog and asked them to take their time thinking about something they would like to give to someone else. They could take as long as they needed and decide on what they wanted to give Jesus for His birthday. We told them to keep it a secret until Christmas eve when they'd be able to reveal what they chose.
They were SUPER excited about the things they chose and couldn't wait to get their cards to wrap! (World Vision send cards describing what you've given and we wrapped them in boxes)

we let the paper dry over night and wrapped them the next day.
we brought out ALL the ribbon so they could make it extra
fancy for Jesus!

the kids did the wrapping themselves (unless they asked for help with parts) and were so excited! they LOVED getting into all the ribbon and learning how to curl it. i love watching how their different personalities come out in something like this!

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