Cailey has been finding a lot of things in the top of her closet that she received last year as gifts but never showed much interest in...until now. She's been cross stitching, looping again, wanting to sew, and painting with acrylics. Mom got her this set last year and she pulled it out with the idea to paint it for her cousin, Nicky, who loves firetrucks. I thought it was such a sweet idea and she worked extra hard on it. She also made a bracelet for Abby.

i LOVE that everyone kisses this baby so much! oh...and his two fav's: doggie and panda (who was MY puppet when i was growing up). for Christmas he got a brand new panda since he loves them so much and a stuffed elmo and lion. still...nothing replaced doggie:)

Kinsey girl STILL sleeps with no clothes on. She always has. I just wanted to get a picture of her WITH jammies on because it's a rare sight that only takes place in the morning if she's cold. We make her put them on at night but the second the light goes off she's out of them.

Cailey was so excited about this outfit she picked out and felt like it was "SO big girl!" She hasn't really gotten picky about clothes and never complains if I ask her to wear something specific. I hope this lasts a long time:).

cailey reading kinsey her current favorite book: The Gingerbread Man

SO blessed to have lots of people read to him! Ephram never sat for the WHOLE book until he had surgery and wasn't feeling good. He's gotten a lot better about at least sitting for one. It's progress!

nope...he's not wearing underwear, but it made me
laugh so much i just had to take a picture. poor guy had his pants
fall off and when he came for help is sock fell off! he's wearing a onesie
that's way too big.

Braden is all about matching daddy these days! He'll put things on and then ask Brian to wear the same thing and just beams at the results. Originally Braden had brown pants on but changed to blue so he could match Kinsey's dress. Then he saw Daddy and went back up to change:).
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