After we went to the parade and had lunch with the Williams we came home to put the tree up. We LOVE Christmas and our tradition of putting the tree up the weekend before Thanksgiving so it'll be done when we come back from Nonny and Poppy's. Little did I know that right when the lights were on the trees and the decorating was ready to begin I would get that AWFUL 24 hour throw up bug. So after about 5 minutes of laying on the couch watching everyone (instead of helping:( I had to go upstairs to bed. I was bummed to not be involved in it but Brian was great about taking pictures for me. I came down briefly when they were done so I could see Ephram put the angel on top of the tree for the first year.
From what I hear, Ephram fell into the tree TWICE and only one part of an ornament was broken (poor Bob and Larry). Ephram hasn't really tried to mess with the tree or gifts underneath it but the first couple of days he kept pointing to the tree and saying, "tree...outside" as if he was trying to tell us that something wasn't quite right:).
The kiddos were super excited to see all of their ornaments this year and will ask me all day where different ones are from. My tree growing up had all sorts of ornaments that were given to mom or ones they picked up on their travels or from craft shows. I LOVE that...and am not really into 'themed' trees. While they are beautiful, I love our sentimental tree so much better.
We ended up not being able to decorate the 'kid' tree until a couple days later but I've yet to take a picture of it.
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