April 1- lots of april fool's jokes:), fun day playing with alex, baked brownies with the kiddos, played jenga with kiddos, watched catch outside with daddy, more april fool's day jokes, swim team, no school, plus snugs and hugs.
April 2- tball practice, carnival at green rd elementary, baked and decorated braden's robot cake, baseball practice and scrimmage, lots of outside play in the beautiful weather, lots of family time, and too much junk food:).
April 3- church, meeting, softball practice, got the house 'party ready', had an AWESOME mad science birthday party for braden, saw lots of fire, watched boys play and have fun outside, sang, read books, played with ephram while big kids were at bible study and choir.
April 4- school, fun surprise playdate with the speier's, lots of playing outside, HOT 87 degrees, kinsey's tball practice, cailey's swimming lessons, games in between, books read, nerf gun fight with two oldest, baby shot in the face...sorry:(, baby ok but runs and says, "scared" when he sees the gun, lots of laughing, crazy storm.
April 5- school, piano, wheezing baby girl, played little people and read a bazillion books with ephram, realized that although 'i no want to' sounds super cute coming from ephram's mouth it's not so cute when it means not obeying, crazy rainy/windy/sunny/rainy day, and kids night at chili's.
April 6- sang happy birthday braden ALL DAY LONG:), got lots of hugs, took kinsey girl to the dr. and found out she needs an inhaler for her wheezing and allergies, met the klick's at cfa for braden's birthday, swimming lessons for b and k, played games with the oldest two, outside play, lots of treats, swimming for cailey (and braden tried out), served at awana where it was 'olympic night' and did presents with sweet braden.
April 7- sent cailey off to be a mother's helper for addison, lots of one on one time listening to kinsey read, took paint out for kinsey and ephram (did brushes then feet and hands), had a gumball picking up contest b/c ephram kept getting hurt stepping on them, made a picnic for the kiddos, laundry, cleaned, organized kinsey's clothes, lots of one on one time with ephram, great talks with braden, two big helpers with laundry, tutored A, e woke up early from his nap 'barking' like a seal and not feeling good, made a yummy dinner, sent oldest and youngest to softball (e played outside like nothing was wrong), and snuggled my baby to sleep (in our bed) when he cried at midnight and couldn't be calmed back to his bed.
April 8- watched sweet alex, went to field day for oodles of fun, went to the mall with klick's for lunch, more play at home, inside fun, outside fun, fun!, swimming for cailey, sad baby at naptime from croup, nerf gun family fight, family movie night (toy story 3), read, snuggled, and chased.
April 9- opening day! (baseball), lots planned but weather wasn't well enough for our Easter egg hunt or Frog Days:( so we stuck to 5 hours on the ball field watching 3 kiddos play 4 games, (brian went while i stayed with sick ephram), played with oldest and youngest all afternoon, great talks with cailey, lots of snuggling with e.
April 10- great church service, family time at the mall and bookstore, fun afternoon playing, choir, bible study, cleaning, found out a sweet friend was pregnant (YAY), and went to journey in the evening for connect.
April 11- school, prayer, hugs, played games, lots of outside play, swimming for cailey, boy scout hike for braden, caught up with adele, cailey's softball game, pushed cailey on the swing super high, and cheered on my big girl on the field.
April 12- brian left for CA for a week:(, great school day, organized clothes, laundry, deep cleaned, played with kiddos, listened to lots of reading, read tons to ephram and kinsey, had lots of little helpers who were earning money for Arise Africa at church, went to cheer kinsey on at her game...only to get canceled, took the kids to get ice cream with the williams...so fun, and read more books:).
April 13- school, rhyme time at the library with ephram, read lots of books, lunch in the car, swimming lessons for middle two, finish up school, short nap for ephram, swimming for cailey, dinner in the car, cailey finished her THIRD awana book for the year (there are only four books total for four years), served at awana, ephram played in childcare since brian is out of town, put sleepy kiddos to bed, and blogged about field day.
April 14- watched sweet addison, gi apt., NONNY here!!, games, puzzles, presents for braden's birthday, ball practice for kinsey and braden while nonny played with ephram and cailey, and read lots of Easter books to my sweet kiddos.
April 15- fun errands with nonny and the kiddos, co op easter egg hunt while ephram stayed at home and napped/played with nonny, swimming for cailey while others stayed home and helped nonny cook dinner, word games with beth, yummy dinner, walk with the kiddos, lots of games, and great hang out time with nonny.
April 16- errands, kinsey's tball game (where cailey and braden got to play b/c the other team didn't have enough players:), cailey's softball game (where only 3 players showed up and the other team had to help out), off and on rain, cici's pizza and grocery shopping with nonny, games, puzzles, fun, tornado, no power, scared kiddos, dinner by candle light, power came back hours later, beth brought food to fill our freezer (since they had no power still), late night cupcakes, and lots of laughing.
April 17- sent my biggest girl to nonny's for the week, church, got a nasty stomach virus, beth took kinsey and ephram all day long while ephram layed with me or napped, threw up lots...
April 18- stomach still hurts, dizzy, better than yesterday, talked to my biggest girl who is having fun and getting spoiled, ephram said, "i miss you cailey" unprompted to her on the phone, kinsey and braden went to nursing home easter egg hunt with klick's, ephram played at home, scouts canceled, kiddos played all day.
April 19- had to cancel trip to see laura b/c of my stomach:(, lots of snuggle time, lots of reading/listening to kiddos read, started feeling better, kiddos played outside, heard from cailey girl who went to the movies played with a neighbor and went out to lunch with nonny, and was THRILLED brian came home from CA:)!
April 20- school with kinsey, games, story time for ephram at the library, swimming lessons for kinsey and braden, more games, lots of chasing, hugs, and outside play, baseball game for braden, dinner out at mexican to celebrate kelly's birthday, and talked to cailey who had fun playing with a neighbor at nonny and poppy's.
April 21- watched alex and ashton, made footprint duckies, had an mri, picked up the kiddos from beth's and hung out a bit, packed, wrapped presents, went to jackson's birthday party, had a super fun time watching the kiddos play with friends while we chatted, talked with eve, played lots of wordfeud with beth and eve, and did a late night drive to MD not arriving until midnight.
April 22- played tri ominoes/bingo/candyland/war/ and tons more games with the kiddos and nonny, went shopping with nonny and the fam, played more, went on a date with brian, dyed eggs with the fam, and had a great day!
April 23- a day filled with many games including war, war, kings in the corner, sorry sliders, bingo, war, lots of reading, amish place for pretzels, Easter egg hunt/games/carnival at the high school, family walk, bubbles, monkey in the middle...for a long time, more games, and lots of family time....GREAT day!
April 24- a very happy Easter!, church with mom and the fam in MD, yummy Easter dinner, pictures, pictures of dad's boxes, lots of playing outside, Easter egg hunt for the kiddos, nakey bunny in the yard, drove home to find hatched butterflies, crashed.
April 25- back to school, new math curriculum for kinsey, lots of reading, helped braden bake his camping cake for boy scouts, made a giant fruit salad (which took a while because ephram helped me with:), swimming for cailey, boy scouts for braden/family b/c it was cake and outside game night, no more thumb for ephram.
April 26- at home day (until baseball and t ball) filled with school, playing, piano lessons, cooking, games, egg hunt that cailey did for ephram (precious), reading, teaching, no thumb...with NO problem, cheering for our kinsey girl at tball and then braden at baseball.
April 27-school, crazy busy day filled with story time for ephram, lunch in the car, swimming lessons for kinsey and braden, quick nap for e, swimming for cailey, dinner in the car, awana...braden's late night baseball game, 31 cent scoops at baskin robbins (AFTER awana) only two more weeks of eating in the car on wednesdays!
April 28- school, super double runs, homeschool gymnastics field trip...very fun, tutored A, shrimp and linguini was declared cailey's NEW favorite food over pizza, game night.
April 29- watched alex, went on a walk/took the babies for a wagon ride, cailey and braden made blueberry coffee cake ALL by themselves, had a playdate with addison/beth, swimming for cailey, royal wedding with my two princesses, lots of outside play...PERFECT weather, attacked dave (esh) with nerf guns, the boys played frisbee golf while the girls played outside, LOVE how ephram says, "i scared" and moves his hands back and forth when he doesn't like to eat something or doesn't want it, love to hear e say, "no, don't shoot me" when he sees the nerf guns, and LOVE how ephram says 'my' instead of 'i' as in "my scared" or.
April 30- strawberry picking with the fam, kinsey's t ball game, cailey's extra long awesome 4/4 batting softball game, strawberries out of our ears:), kiddos outside all afternoon/evening, wii night, super tired kiddos from being outside all day, and a late cailey/daddy date watching college softball and track and field while enjoying blueberry coffee cake and juice.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
April 2011
monthly diary
Friday, April 29, 2011
Random March/April Pics

and he loves getting them!
this sweet girl is always smiling about something
and constantly making us laugh!
this sweet girl is always smiling about something
and constantly making us laugh!

this outfit brings back some great memories. it was kellen's, then braden's
and i can't believe ephram is big enough to fit in it!

ephram loves to dig and put dirt anywhere. today he got in the car after playing in the sandbox
at the Y and sand literally POURED out of his shoes and clothes. he happened to have a shovel in the van (b/c he loves digging and carry shovels) and had enough sand in his car seat to dig all the way home! since this was taken he's been given his very own bucket and shovel:).

ephram likes bags (or even purses) and fills them with eggs, little people, cars, marbles, and doggie. then he puts them on his arm and carries them all over the place.

super baby! he LOVED this corn dog and couldn't stop talking about it. brian brought it home
from chili's one night when kid's meals were free.
he still LOVES to be nakey in the evenings and will scream, "NAKEY mama" before he gets his jammies on and runs to show me his belly. brian's decided that will stop when he turns two:).

my big helper LOVES to sweep, help empty the dishwasher, collect nerf gun bullets during a 'fight' and helps clean up his toys when asked.


he wore his Valentine's hat well into may:)
Thursday, April 28, 2011
fun with friends...april

ashton was on spring break so she joined alex when i watched him last week. cailey was at mom's but we still had a blast playing games, doing footprint ducky artwork, chasing, singing, and playing littlest pet shop.

braden and reece

we went to jackson's birthday party at a cool indoor playground place and the kiddos (minus cailey who was at mom and dad's) had a blast!
The kiddos get to see their friends a LOT thanks to baseball (kinsey and jackson are on the same team) and swimming (braden and kinsey take lessons with the klicks and cailey takes them with harrison). I don't have any pictures of the sports with their friends..yet:)
I've also been to the doctor and been sick several times and sweet friends have taken care of the kiddos for me. One Sunday Braden and Kinsey spent all day at the Williams while I was SO SICK in bed and cailey was out of town. They came home and told me all about how much fun they had playing outside in the gorgeous weather all day (the day after the tornado). The next day was the egg hunt at the nursing home which I was REALLY looking forward too but was still sick. Thankfully Kelly added Kinsey and Braden to her family for the morning/afternoon so they could go...they came home so excited because they found a special egg which meant they won a chocolate bunny. Afterwards they went to chick fil a with their friends for more playtime.
Blessed to have such great friends for the kiddos to play with!
church friends,
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
dress up fashion show
cinderella, tinkerbell, wendy from peter pan

snow white, mini, cheerleader

ballerina and gymnast
kinsey decided she wanted to get pictures in some of her dress up clothes (she got tired after a while:) withOUT her crowns because she said that would be 'too much'. this girl cracks me up!! love you kinsey girl!
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