sweet kinsey was excited but so confused as to WHY braden was holding the video camera. brian got the girls to come up and braden wanted to videotape them while i took pics. poor girl just kept watching him and wouldn't turn around but was definitely thrilled with her new room!

they new right away who's bed was whose. cailey's was the one with blue and kinsey's the pink. they saw these in a catalog and LOVED them a while back. little did they know that they were going to get them!

cailey was exhausted from her sleepover at ashton's the night before and said she wanted to 'try out her new bed for a minute' around 5:00 and ended up falling asleep until the next morning! she even missed dinner so she must have been zonked! kinsey took a 5 hour nap starting at noon (and had to be woken up) and fell asleep with no problem at night.
we plan on painting the dresser, having tricia do a wall mural, and getting a bookcase type piece of furniture built for their room. we got a lot accomplished in one evening....especially since i hadn't planned on painting but tricia picked out this color (avocado) which is in both the girls bedding and for hours i really didn't like it but in the morning i ended up loving it as much as she did:). dave and tricia were here late into the night helping us paint, put together beds, empty the room, etc. SO thankful for their part because we couldn't have done it without them! braden had a blast eating pizza and hanging out with them too!
thank you, Cheryl for letting the girls spend the night and keeping them MORE than entertained!! they had a blast...and kinsey loved her first 'real' sleepover!
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