Our Saturdays have been filled with baseball but we have also tried to do some other fun things together. We went to a school carnival for a couple hours and the kiddos had a fun time. By the time we got there it wasn't crowded at all so they were able to do a lot.

first up they went to the ladder fire truck (which had the ladder fully extended). there were two firefighters standing near it who were so great with answering their questions. there was no one there when we came up so they got to spend a lot of time climbing on it!

next...animals! snakes, weird lizards, chinchillas, opossums, monkeys, pigs, birds, and more!

the big kids LOVED all the bounce houses/slides/ and obstacle courses.

kinsey couldn't WAIT to hug the frog...ephram did NOT feel the same way. he screamed and said, "scared. no want to."

they had several playgrounds that were 'new to them'. they loved exploring all of them. the girls both got tattoos while braden chose to do a craft.

he made a really cool picture of spinning art...turned out great!
I LOVE family time together!
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